My Personal Component Library

Creating a component library for my future projects with neogcamp


This is larger heading

This is smaller heading

This is normal text in paragraph

This is smaller text

Copy-paste this code to in your editor to get the respective style :

<h3>This is larger heading<h3>

<h4>This is smaller heading<h4>

<p>This is normal text in paragraph<p>

<small>This is smaller text<small>


Fluid container

This is a fluid container. Content in this container is always from end to end touching the edges just like in this example, as I am trying to take the line to the end so to do this I am typing that much of thoughts so that it can reach that end so I am writing random stuff

Center container

This is a center container. Content here is always centralised

Copy-paste this code to in your editor to get the respective style :

.fluid, .cnter {
.cnter {
  margin:40px 0px 40px 0px;


Primary link Secondary link

Copy-paste this code to in your editor to get the respective style :

a {
#secondary {
  border:2px solid #DC2626;


Unordered list (without bullets)

Ordered list with reversed numbers

  1. item one
  2. item two
  3. item three

Inline list

Copy-paste this code to in your editor to get the respective style :

ul {
#inlineList li {
  margin:0px 30px 30px 0px;


Copy-paste this code to in your editor to get the respective style :

ul {
#inlineList li {
  margin:0px 30px 30px 0px;
.nav {
  padding:10px 10px 30px 40px;


Saksham, the web developer

white section

We are an open community of developers building resources for a better Web, regardless of brand, browser, or platform. Anyone can contribute and each person who does makes us stronger. Together we can continue to drive innovation on the Web to serve the greater good. It starts here, with you.

Off white section

We are an open community of developers building resources for a better Web, regardless of brand, browser, or platform. Anyone can contribute and each person who does makes us stronger. Together we can continue to drive innovation on the Web to serve the greater good. It starts here, with you.
